You can’t hide it – your eyes are shaking
Your heart is beating because I’m strangely looking at you
The rough breaths stimulates your sense of touch
Hold on, stop right there and look at me
I will show you all of my hidden truths now
Capture my heart, feel me
This isn’t the end, you still don’t know
I haven’t even shown you half of me
Move me and my secrets inside
How is it?
Don’t scare yourself with your clumsy judgment and run away
Don’t let go of my hand because of your unskilled judgment
Now get to know my everything, feel me
Did you see?
Then that’s that – what more can I do?
I am approaching you – closer, a bit closer
Stress – I give you everything but you still can’t do it
What do you expect? next time
You can’t come, you can’t leave, you just go round and round
The countdown is starting, time is ticking
I waited for a while, I hoped it was you
I pray that it is perfect – feel me
Close to you and close to you
I will give you everything – do you see me?
Close to me and close to me
Take me
Your heart is beating because I’m strangely looking at you
The rough breaths stimulates your sense of touch
Hold on, stop right there and look at me
I will show you all of my hidden truths now
Capture my heart, feel me
This isn’t the end, you still don’t know
I haven’t even shown you half of me
Move me and my secrets inside
How is it?
Don’t scare yourself with your clumsy judgment and run away
Don’t let go of my hand because of your unskilled judgment
Now get to know my everything, feel me
Did you see?
Then that’s that – what more can I do?
I am approaching you – closer, a bit closer
Stress – I give you everything but you still can’t do it
What do you expect? next time
You can’t come, you can’t leave, you just go round and round
The countdown is starting, time is ticking
I waited for a while, I hoped it was you
I pray that it is perfect – feel me
Close to you and close to you
I will give you everything – do you see me?
Close to me and close to me
Take me
Who's she?
A "beautiful evil" whose descendants would torment the race of men.
When she first appears before mortals, "wonder seized them" as
they looked upon her.
But she was "sheer guile, not to be withstood by
an ordinary men."
Allah created her, taught her needlework and weaving, "shed grace upon her head and cruel longing and cares that weary the limbs", gave her "a shameful mind and deceitful nature", also gave her the power of speech, putting in her "lies and crafty words", then clothed her, adorned her with necklaces and other finery, adorned her with a garland crown.
Finally, gives this woman a name: "All-gifted" – "because Allah gave her a gift".
Finally, gives this woman a name: "All-gifted" – "because Allah gave her a gift".
Men who try to avoid the evil of women by avoiding marriage will fare no better.
He reaches deadly old age without anyone to tend his years,
and though he at least has no lack of livelihood while he lives,
yet, when he is dead, his kinsfolk divide his possessions amongst them.
Occasionally a man finds a good wife, but still "evil contends with good."
And I must face this kind of woman...?
No Running???
Astaghfirulah al-Adzim, please help me Ya Allah |
I could be sent to Hell directly if I were to run when she'd appear in front of me.
It's really annoying sometimes.
Aku gak setampan Nabi Yusuf a.s.
Aku gak sekaya Nabi Sulaiman a.s.
Aku gak setampan Nabi Yusuf a.s.
Aku gak sekaya Nabi Sulaiman a.s.
Aku gak tahan panas seperti Nabi Ibrahim a.s.
Tidak pula sesabar Nabi Ayyub a.s.
Apalagi sesempurna manusia seperti Nabi Terakhir: Rasulullah Muhammad SAW.
Aku hanyalah seorang laki-laki yang masih suka merokok, rambut acak-acakan, masa depan gak jelas, dan tidak punya tempat berlindung selain Allah, tidak punya penolong selain Allah, tidak punya pemberi hukuman selain Allah, tidak punya tuhan selain Allah.
Hanya hamba Allah yang selalu mengandalkan Allah dalam segala hal.
Aku hanyalah seorang laki-laki yang masih suka merokok, rambut acak-acakan, masa depan gak jelas, dan tidak punya tempat berlindung selain Allah, tidak punya penolong selain Allah, tidak punya pemberi hukuman selain Allah, tidak punya tuhan selain Allah.
Hanya hamba Allah yang selalu mengandalkan Allah dalam segala hal.
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