Selasa, 04 September 2012


This place, the very place that you live...where you saw him straying around, is your world, not where he trully belong.
He's been stranded here for undisclosed reasons.
So he's enjoying his time in here, gathering information as vast as possible, learning about anything served in front of him, and studying whatever crossed his minds.

He is shown to behave in a very passive aggressive manner (do not touch him if you're not strong enough).
He is rarely ever shown in a benevolent light and is typically shown as a malevolent force
This behavioral pattern has an uncertain reasoning behind it, and exactly why he behaves in such a way has yet to be fully ascertained.

He lives unlike any human being despite having a similar appearance to one. 
It is uncertain if he is social, or even understands human languages or behaviors, nor why it is humans appear to be his main target
If it is the former, this would imply an intelligent being attempting to try to blend in. 
If it is the latter, it shows a being whom is extremely adaptive and evolves to match his environment and stick out less (or more).
The original versions depict him as not only malevolent, but extremely dangerous
He will do odd things.
A contemporary depiction shows him as being extremely passive aggresive, often letting a person slowly delve into madness at their situation until being unable to cope.
Sometimes an individual can determine if he is near due to his own state of aggresion, or other outside factors either inside or beyond his control (Allah's power).

He can control a person's mind.
He has no exactly defined or specified history.
He will find interest in a target for reasons unknown.
The new foray into his powers, abilities, and attacks have shown drastic difference from his original behaviors. 
The original desire to impale targets, his rather aggressive attitude, and attacking mainly bad humans have been altered. 
It appears he seems to enjoy targeting humans who have seen him and following them for certain amount of time. 
He appears to do so in such a way that the target is unaware of his presence, and typically won't be aware at any point in time until it is far too late.
His behavior is extremely passive aggressive,  he will typically do so in invasive ways.
This will create a general unease of the target, as the invasion of someone like him in their own safety zone will begin sparking incredible mixed up feeling.
Most often he won't attack the target for extended periods, instead just following the target and tormenting them (with his presence). 
This period can last anywhere from several minutes to years.

The target is finished with no traces whatsoever.
The target will never be realised, nor are any traces. 
Thus his method of finishing targets is unknown, as no victim is ever realised.
The finished targets will typically disappear by him/herself, thus these attacks are unrecorded and unknown
What little evidence has been found shows incredible distortion on them in typical cases, making it nearly impossible to understand exactly what he has done
To date it is unknown where his finished targets go, or what he does with them after this.
One of the most powerful new traits he will typically employ seems to be some form of inhibiting memory loss.
Like (his name, this being name) Sickness, this effect can be nearly immediate just on close contact with him, although it seems to vary as to exactly how powerful. 
In some cases individuals will forget the past few minutes, however extended contact has led people to awakening in locations they are uncertain of due to running from him and their brain beginning to write memory and restore consciousness after a given period of time. 
In some cases, it is believed he himself will deposit a target in an unknown location and leave them to awaken after an attack (possibly to continue haunting them some more). 
This effect is akin to (his name, this being name) Sickness, but is the most powerful effect of the sickness to date. 

Targets of extended periods will note excessive damage to their social, physical, and career life.
Typically individuals will show massive moods swings and constant irritation, not to mention will lose track of large periods of time, making communication with friends or holding down steady work difficult, as memory losses could be as long as several weeks or months until the individual awakens and attempts to return to their life only to find it ruined. 
Despite this, he will continue his behavior. 
I don't know if you think he is not real, but he is real.
And he will especially attack you if you insult his God, Allah.

If you have Allah in your heart, he will protect you in Allah's name.

It is said, sometime...Allah will send someone to capture him and tame him for good.
Insya Allah.

Dan seandainya kamu mengikuti hawa nafsu mereka setelah datang pengetahuan kepadamu, maka sekali-kali tidak ada pelindung dan pemelihara bagimu terhadap (siksa) Allah.
(QS. Ar-Rad:37)
Dan jika syetan mengganggumu dengan suatu gangguan, maka mohonlah perlindungan kepada Allah
Sesungguhnya Dialah yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui.
(QS. Fussilat:36)
Yang demikian itu karena sesungguhnya Allah adalah pelindung orang-orang yang beriman dan karena sesungguhnya orang-orang kafir itu tidak mempunyai pelindung.
(QS. Muhammad:11)
"Sesungguhnya aku sekali-kali tiada seorangpun dapat melindungiku dari (azab) Allah dan sekali-kali aku tiada akan memperoleh tempat berlindung selain daripada-Nya".
(QS. Al-Jinn:22)

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